Family | Genus | Species | Authority | Distribution | References |
Incertae sedis | Araeolaimoides | ovalis | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Axonolaimidae | Odontophora | furcata | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Axonolaimidae | Odontophora | peritricha | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Axonolaimidae | Odontophora | pacifica | Allgen 1947 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Axonolaimidae | Parachromagasteriella | anellifera | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Diplopeltidae | Araeolaimus | gisleni | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Diplopeltidae | Araeolaimus | retroductus | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Diplopeltidae | Araeolaimus | elegans | De Mann 1888 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Diplopeltidae | Araeolaimus | punctatus | Cobb 1920 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Diplopeltidae | Araeolaimus | laqueifer | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Diplopeltidae | Campylaimus | inaequalis | Cobb 1920 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Diplopeltidae | Diplopeltis | onustus | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Diplopeltidae | Diplopeltula | sp. | Deep-sea | Gambi et al., 2003 | |
Diplopeltidae | Southerniella | simplex | Allgen 1932 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Linhomoeidae | Didelta | scutata | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Linhomoeidae | Eleutherolaimus | obtusicaudatus | Allgen 1947 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Linhomoeidae | Eleutherolaimus | stenosoma | De Mann 1907 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Linhomoeidae | Linhomoeus | buculentus | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Linhomoeidae | Linhomoeus | hirsutus | Bastian 1865 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Linhomoeidae | Linhomoeus | iniquus | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Linhomoeidae | Metalinhomoeus | filiformis | De Mann 1907 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Linhomoeidae | Metalinhomoeus | retrosetosus | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Linhomoeidae | Paralinhomoeus | ordinarius | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Linhomoeidae | Paralinhomoeus | strigosus | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Linhomoeidae | Paralinhomoeus | pachyamphis | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Linhomoeidae | Terschellingia | longicaudata | De Mann 1907 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Linhomoeidae | Terschellingia | claviger | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Monhysteridae | Diplolaimella | deconincki | Gerlach 1951 | Continental | Gerlach, 1953 |
Monhysteridae | Monhystera | parva | Bastian 1865 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Monhysteridae | Monhystera | magallanica | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Monhysteridae | Monhystera | britannica | Weiser 1951 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Monhysteridae | Monhystera | disjuncta | Bastian 1865 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Siphonolaimidae | Siphonolaimus | smetti | Chen 2000 | Continental | Chen & Vincx, 2000 |
Siphonolaimidae | Siphonolaimus | gladiator | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Siphonolaimidae | Siphonolaimus | auratus | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Siphonolaimidae | Siphonolaimus | pachyderma | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Sphaerolaimidae | Sphaerolaimus | megamphis | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Sphaerolaimidae | Sphaerolaimus | pacifica | Allgen 1947 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Sphaerolaimidae | Sphaerolaimus | campbelli | Allgen 1927 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Cobbia | scutata | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Daptonema | sp. | Continental | Weiser, 1956 | |
Xyalidae | Omicronema | litorium | Cobb 1920 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Paramonhystera | geraerti | Chen 2000 | Continental | Chen & Vincx, 2000 |
Xyalidae | Paramonhystera | biforma | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Paramonhystera | proteus | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Paramonhystera | megacephala | Steiner 1916 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Paramonhystera | pellucida | Cobb 1920 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Promonhystera | tricuspidata | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Promonhystera | faber | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Pseudosteineria | sp. | Continental | Weiser, 1956 | |
Xyalidae | Rhynchonema | cinctum | Cobb 1920 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Spiramphinema | convoluta | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Spiramphinema | longiseta | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Steineria | pectinata | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Steineria | pilosa | Cobb 1914 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Steineria | parapolychaeta | Gerlach 1953 | Continental | Gerlach, 1953 |
Xyalidae | Steineria | cobbi | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Stylotheristus | sp. | Deep-sea | Gambi et al., 2003 | |
Xyalidae | Theristus | dentatus | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Theristus | diversispiculum | Gerlach 1953 | Continental | Gerlach, 1953 |
Xyalidae | Theristus | alternus | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Theristus | gyrophorus | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Theristus | exutus | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Theristus | megalaimoides | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Theristus | manicatus | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Theristus | clavicaudatus | Gerlach 1953 | Continental | Gerlach, 1953 |
Xyalidae | Theristus | problematica | Allgen 1927 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Theristus | laxus | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Theristus | anteferens | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Theristus | modicus | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Theristus | fimbriatum | Cobb 1920 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Theristus | anticipans | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Xyalidae | Xyala | exigua | Weiser 1956 | Continental | Weiser, 1956 |
Chen, G. & Vincx, M. (2000) New and little known Nematodes (Monhysteroida, Nematoda) from the Strait of Magellan and the Beagle Channel (Chile). Hydrobiologia, 429:9-23.
Gambi, C., Vanrusel, A. & Danovaro, R. (2003) Biodiversity of nematode assemblages from deep-sea sediments of the Atacama Slope and Trench (South Pacific Ocean). Deep Sea Research I, 50:103-117.
Gerlach, S.A. (1953) Freilebende Marine Nematodesn aus dem Kustengrundwasser und aus dem Brackwasser de Chilenischen Kuste. Reports of the Lund University Chile Expedition 1948-1949, 12. C.W.K. Gleerup, Lund, Sweden. 37 pp.
Weiser, W. (1956) Free-living marine nematodes. III. Axonolaimoidea and Monhysteroidea. Reports of the Lund University Chile Expedition 1948-1949, 26. C.W.K. Gleerup, Lund, Sweden. 115 pp.